What Does Smite Do in Minecraft (Unlimited Guide 2024)

What Does Smite Do in Minecraft

In Minecraft, the night is filled with a lot of zombies. At first, defeating these creatures by using a sword or an axe to attack them might seem odd. You might wonder why such powerful tools are needed to handle zombies.

Today, we’ll dive into what does Smite do in Minecraft. We’ll learn about the “Smite” enchantment and how it helps you deal more damage to zombies and similar enemies. This powerful upgrade can turn a regular weapon into an essential tool for surviving the night!

Smite is a special enchantment in Minecraft that makes your weapon stronger against certain enemies. There are five levels of Smite, from Smite I to Smite V. Each level makes your weapon better at dealing with zombies and similar foes.

However, Smite only works against zombies, skeletons, and the Drowned. It won’t give you extra power against other monsters, like creepers or spiders.

At its highest level, Smite V can make it so you defeat zombies almost instantly, sometimes with just one or two hits. If you strike zombies while they’re falling, you can even take them down in one blow. A smart strategy is to use one sword with Smite V for fighting the undead and another sword with Sharpness V for other enemies. This way, you’re prepared for any battle!

In Minecraft, Smite is a special enchantment that makes your weapon stronger against undead creatures like zombies, skeletons, and the Drowned. This enchantment works only on swords and axes, so you can’t use it with other types of weapons, like bows or tridents.

Smite comes in five levels. Each level increases the amount of damage your weapon does to undead enemies. At Smite V, your weapon will deal an extra 2.5 damage per hit, or 1.25 hearts, making it very powerful against these foes.

If you use Smite on a high-quality weapon, like a diamond sword, you can defeat undead creatures quickly. However, Smite doesn’t work well with other enchantments like Sharpness, Cleaving, or Bane of Arthropods. So, you’ll need to choose your enchantments carefully to match your battle needs.

Smite is an enchantment in Minecraft that comes in five levels. Each level makes your sword or axe deal more damage to undead enemies, like zombies or skeletons. Specifically, each level adds 1.25 hearts of damage per hit.

However, this extra damage only works when you hit undead creatures. These enemies are easy to recognize because they have exposed bones, decaying flesh, or ghostly appearances. So, if you’re facing off against any other type of monster, Smite won’t give you the extra damage boost.

By using Smite effectively, you can defeat these undead foes much faster, making it a valuable enchantment for night battles or exploring dark caves!

In Minecraft, undead mobs look like they’re “dead” and usually attack players on sight. They don’t drown but can turn into different forms if they stay underwater too long (like zombies turning into drowned zombies). While the Potion of Healing will harm these mobs, the Potion of Harming will heal them!

Here’s a list of all the undead mobs that Smite enchantment can affect:

  • Chicken Jockey
  • Husk
  • Drowned
  • Zombie
  • Phanton
  • Skeleton
  • Skeleton Horse
  • Stray
  • Spider Jockey
  • Skeleton Horseman
  • Wither
  • Zoglin
  • Wither Skeleton
  • Zombie Villager
  • Zombie Horse
  • Zombified Piglin

Using Smite on your weapons will make it easier to defeat these undead enemies quickly, giving you an advantage in battles!

In Minecraft, you can get the Smite enchantment in a couple of ways:

  • Enchanted Books: In the Java Edition of Minecraft, you can find Smite enchantments on enchanted books, which can be used on axes.
  • Enchanting Table: In both the Java and Bedrock Editions, you can use the Enchanting Table to get Smite. On Bedrock Edition, you can use it for axes, and on both editions, you can use it for swords.

Finding an enchanted book with Smite isn’t easy because there are no specific locations where you can always find one. But you can follow our guide on finding and using enchanted books to make the search easier. Here’s how to use the Enchanting Table to get Smite:

  • Craft an Enchanting Table: First, make an Enchanting Table and place it on a solid block.
  • Upgrade Your Table: Surround the table with bookshelves to increase the enchantment levels available.
  • Open the Enchanting Table: Right-click on the table (or use the secondary action key) to open the enchantment menu.
  • Prepare Your Item: Put your sword (or axe in Bedrock Edition) in the left slot of the table and place lapis lazuli in the slot next to it.
  • Check Enchantments: The table will show three enchantment options on the right side. Hover over each option to see if Smite is available. If you find it, click to apply it to your weapon. If Smite doesn’t appear, try switching out your weapon or adjusting the table setup and try again.

Using Smite can greatly improve your ability to defeat undead mobs, so it’s worth getting the hang of this process!

Once you’ve equipped your weapon with the Smite enchantment, it’s time to test it out:

  • Find an Undead Mob: Smite only works on undead creatures. Zombies are a good choice because they appear often in dark areas of the Overworld.
  • Attack the Mob: Approach the undead mob and hit it with your Smite-enchanted weapon. You’ll notice that your weapon deals much more damage than a regular weapon, making it quicker to defeat the enemy.

With Smite, you’ll be more effective at taking down undead mobs, making your battles easier. However, don’t forget that even with a powerful weapon, you might still face challenges. Make sure you have strong armor to protect yourself and consider building an Iron Golem for extra help in tough situations.

Having a good strategy and the right gear will make your Minecraft adventures even more exciting and successful!

The Smite enchantment in Minecraft increases the damage you deal to undead mobs, but the amount of damage varies depending on the weapon and Minecraft edition. Let’s break down how Smite works in both the Java and Bedrock Editions:

Java Edition

In Java Edition, the Smite enchantment boosts your weapon’s damage in different ways. Here’s how the damage increases with each level of Smite:

WeaponBase DamageSmite ISmite IISmite IIISmite IVSmite V
Wooden Sword4 (6)6.5 (8.5)9 (11)11.5 (13.5)14 (16)16.5 (18.5)
Gold Sword4 (6)6.5 (8.5)9 (11)11.5 (13.5)14 (16)16.5 (18.5)
Stone Sword5 (7.5)7.5 (10)10 (12.5)12.5 (15)15 (17.5)17.5 (20)
Iron Sword6 (9)8.5 (11.5)11 (14)13.5 (16.5)16 (19)18.5 (21.5)
Diamond Sword7 (10.5)9.5 (13)12 (15.5)14.5 (18)17 (20.5)19.5 (23)
Netherite Sword8 (12)10.5 (14.5)13 (17)15.5 (19.5)18 (22)20.5 (24.5)
Wooden Axe7 (10.5)9.5 (13)12 (15.5)14.5 (18)17 (20.5)19.5 (23)
Gold Axe7 (10.5)9.5 (13)12 (15.5)14.5 (18)17 (20.5)19.5 (23)
Stone Axe9 (13.5)11.5 (16)14 (18.5)16.5 (21)19 (23.5)21.5 (26)
Iron Axe9 (13.5)11.5 (16)14 (18.5)16.5 (21)19 (23.5)21.5 (26)
Diamond Axe9 (13.5)11.5 (16)14 (18.5)16.5 (21)19 (23.5)21.5 (26)
Netherite Axe10 (15)12.5 (17.5)15 (20)17.5 (22.5)20 (25)22.5 (27.5)

Bedrock Edition

In Bedrock Edition, the damage for Smite enchantment looks like this:

WeaponBase DamageSmite ISmite IISmite IIISmite IVSmite V
Wooden Sword4 (7.5)7.5 (10)10 (12.5)12.5 (15)15 (17.5)17.5 (20)
Gold Sword4 (7.5)7.5 (10)10 (12.5)12.5 (15)15 (17.5)17.5 (20)
Stone Sword5 (9)8.5 (11.5)11 (14)13.5 (16.5)16 (19)18.5 (21.5)
Iron Sword6 (10.5)8.5 (13)11 (15.5)13.5 (18)17 (20.5)19.5 (23)
Diamond Sword7 (12)10.5 (14.5)13 (17)15.5 (19.5)18 (22)20.5 (24.5)
Netherite Sword8 (13.5)11.5 (16)14 (18.5)16.5 (21)19 (23.5)21.5 (26)
Wooden Axe3 (6)6.5 (8.5)9 (11)11.5 (13.5)14 (16)16.5 (18.5)
Gold Axe3 (6)6.5 (8.5)9 (11)11.5 (13.5)14 (16)16.5 (18.5)
Stone Axe4 (7)7.5 (9.5)10 (12)12.5 (14.5)15 (17)17.5 (19.5)
Iron Axe5 (9)8.5 (11.5)11 (14)13.5 (16.5)16 (19)18.5 (21.5)
Diamond Axe6 (10)9.5 (12.5)12 (15)14.5 (17.5)17 (20)19.5 (22.5)
Netherite Axe7 (12)10.5 (14.5)13 (17)15.5 (19.5)18 (22)20.5 (24.5)

As you can see, each level of Smite adds 2.5 extra damage points. In Java Edition, axes generally deal more damage than swords, while in Bedrock Edition, swords tend to be stronger. This difference is due to the combat updates in Minecraft, with Bedrock Edition receiving changes in the recent updates, such as the Minecraft Preview

Understanding these damage differences can help you choose the best weapon and enchantment for your adventures!

In Minecraft, you might have to choose between two powerful enchantments: Sharpness and Smite. Here’s a simple comparison to help you decide which is better for your needs:

  • Smite: This enchantment is designed to deal extra damage specifically to undead mobs, like zombies and skeletons. At its highest level, Smite can deal up to 10 extra damage points to these enemies. This makes it extremely effective if you’re fighting a lot of undead creatures. However, it only works on these types of mobs, so it’s not helpful against other enemies.
  • Sharpness: Sharpness, on the other hand, increases the damage dealt to all types of enemies, not just the undead. At its highest level, Sharpness adds up to 3 extra damage points to any mob. While it doesn’t deal as much extra damage as Smite against undead mobs, it is versatile and useful in a broader range of situations.

Smite is the better choice if you’re up against many undead mobs because it provides more damage. But if you want an enchantment that works well against all kinds of enemies, Sharpness is the way to go.

Choosing between Smite and Sharpness depends on your gameplay style and the types of enemies you encounter most often.

In conclusion, Smite in Minecraft is a powerful enchantment specifically designed to boost your damage against undead mobs like zombies and skeletons. By increasing your weapon’s effectiveness, Smite makes these enemies much easier to defeat. However, its benefits are limited to undead creatures, so choosing the right enchantment depends on the types of foes you face in your adventures.


No, Smite can only be applied to swords and axes. It cannot be used with other types of weapons like bows or tridents.

Smite cannot be combined with Sharpness, Cleaving, or Bane of Arthropods. However, you can combine it with other enchantments like Unbreaking or Mending.

In Bedrock Edition, you can apply Smite to weapons using an Enchanting Table or by using an Enchanted Book with an Anvil.

No, Smite does not affect the Wither boss. The Wither is not classified as an undead mob, so Smite’s extra damage does not apply to it.

Yes, you can add Smite to your weapons in Creative Mode using an Enchanting Table or by using commands to give yourself an enchanted item.

Smite is less useful in PvP combat since it only affects undead mobs. For PvP, enchantments like Sharpness or Power are more effective.

You can check for Smite by looking at your weapon’s enchantments in the game. If Smite is applied, it will be listed along with its level. You can also see it in the enchantment description when you hover over the weapon in your inventory.

Yes, Smite can be used in Minecraft Pocket Edition just like in the Java and Bedrock Editions. The process for applying it is the same as in other editions.

Yes, Smite will work on undead mobs found in different dimensions, such as Wither Skeletons in the Nether or Endermen in the End. However, it will not affect bosses or mobs that are not classified as undead.

To remove Smite or any other enchantment from a weapon, you can use an Anvil and combine the weapon with an Unenchanted version of the same item or use the grindstone to remove all enchantments.

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